
Death metal plague spreading to Montreal - BROKEN HOPE!!!

A putrid blast of air means that a nightmare burried a long time ago is coming near, black plague that has been recalled to life in the swamp of eternally decaying guts. 

Yes, merciless, heavyweight machine called Broken Hope from Illinois is rushing to grind your brains. Hibernated for a long time they are back with a new record Omen of Disease, organic brutal death metal mixed with a fair portion of sickness that is even more destroying than on their great album Loathing or extremely raw debut Swamped in Gore from 1991. And these are the albums that have become unquestionably the classics of brutal death metal genre.


So be looking forward to this mutated monster to smash not only your ear canals and to fucking kick your ass but also to open a new dimension of fear and perversity in your mind as a bonus. Do not forget all your hopes will be drowned in the mud of Montreal at OEF AMERICA 2015!!!

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