DOWNSPELL United States



When you thought that a battle could not be more fierce comes to combat penetrating the enemy trenches opening the gap to kill the bastards opponents. Always on the cutting edge of the front: DOWNSPELL!!!


Formed in Alaska, now based in San Diego; trained under the harsh cold and the imminent desert, can be assured they love the adverse environment, so the Nuns Valley is an area in which they will feel comfortable to discharge all their belic fury made guitar like machine gun, explosive bassplaying, landmining and deafening drums, and horrifying war cries... they will come with anger and bloodlust. No place for shelter... this is OEF AMERICA 2013!!!


Their first two albums released in the early 2000's produced well crafted, mature and original tracks as pro as any signed metal act I can think of. First off, a self titled, 5 song EP and shortly after, an 8 song LP titled "No Redemption". Both self produced and released albums managed to catch the eardrums of Rock 105.3 DJ Norm Leggio (drummer of the now defunct legendary Psychotic Waltz) and Co. (responsible for The Rock's Sunday evening, 3 hour metal show called "Another State of Mind") who religiously spun DOWNSPELL in constant rotation with the big guns like Slayer, Lamb of God, Cannibal Corpse, etc, etc…


Then came their first independent label release on Heretic Audio Demonics, 2009's thought provoking "Afterbirth", proving DOWNSPELL weren't satisfied with just keeping pace with the genre's standard, but staying ahead of the game, putting them on the heels of fellow San Diegan's (and global brutality icons) Disgorge and Cattle Decapitation (a little to on the grindcore side of the spectrum (AND a lot too pissed off live) to compare them to San Diego's and Metalblades golden boys, As I Lay Dying.


2010 saw DOWNSPELL enter the big leagues with the release of "7 Dead, 6 Wounded…". A painfully heavy mix of death metal and grindcore that managed to maintain their staple, catchy hooks and riffs, but with technical song structures, advanced musicianship yet still grin dish enough to rip your face off and still rival anything Relapse, Metalblade or any of the other big wig labels have released the last 4 years. And as a severe cherry on the top, (that most bands can only dream about) they managed to get one of the biggest names in metal: D. Randal Blythe (vocalist for Grammy nominated giants, LAMB OF GOD) and also genre pioneer Bobby Ferry (guitarist for west coast sludge icons, -16-), Wow. I haven't got a damn clue how they got 2 of extreme music's most legendary personalities, but rumor has it that it was through one of Southern California's stereotypical pastimes.


Later in 2012, "7 Dead…" caught the attention of NAPALM DEATH founder Shane Embury and was rereleased in the UK on his label Feto Records (ANAAL NATHRAKH, VENOMOUS CONCEPT) as a split with England hardcore vets ALL WILL SUFFER.


DOWNSPELL's latest 7 string, drop tuned, speed blast-o-rama "The Violent Majority" (aptly titled for the times) dropped late last summer with a rush order of only a few hundred copy's duplicated (and on the bands own, burger flipping' dime) just so they had some current ammo for their west coast/southwest tour with O.C's grindcore phenom's, SEMTEX VEST (ft. ex-members of PHOBIA and DEAD AMERICA) and also Feto label mates ALL WILL SUFFER (appropriately dubbed "The California Crossover Annihilation Tour"). So if you were lucky enough to catch them on their 3 week blast-a-thon and snag one of their advanced copy's. You're a lucky bastard, period.


Why you ask? Since I obviously sound biased coming off as an obvious fan at this point? Well not cause the new album is the natural progression you'd expect from a death/grind band of this caliber. But because they did it again! And with even better icons!!! Yup, I'm talking about the guest list part #2 for the new album you bastards.


This time around they flipped deep through their Rolodex and came up with the likes of S.O.D., NUCLEAR ASSAULT, BRUTAL TRUTH, VENOMOUS CONCEPT, NOKTURNAL HELLSTORM and ANTHRAX founder: the one and only legendary bassist DAN LILKER!!! Hands down one of the BEST bassist in metal, period. The buck only starts there too. They also got PRIMATE vocalist, ex-WGHR DJ and also Lilkers lifelong partner in grind, BRUTAL TRUTH/VENOMOUS CONCEPT'S barefooted bearded bastard, the one and only KEVIN SHARP! And to frigging top it all off, they even got the inhumanely versatile vegan (who in my opinion, is untouchable as a death vocalist, hands down), CATTLE DECAPITATION AND MURDER CONSTRUCT vocalist, TRAVIS RYAN.


Daaaaamn, DOWNSPELL'S packing' some serious name dropping on this new release…


I don't really have to explain much more. If those heavy hitters alone don't grab your interest by your shriveled sack, than just go buy your new Emmure, Atreyu or Skipalott album. Er, uh.. excuse me, I meant the new "Extreme DJ Remix" of an old Slipknott album . Or the let down of the century, the new Morbid Angel… Ouch. And excuse me, I didn't mean new L.P., cause we all know the Jugaloo's buy TONS of vinyl (yeah right). I'm sorry, I meant "digital download". Does the clown crew even make vinyl? I know I've never met a "Jugalow" with a record player… Ever.


So look for "The Violent Majority" this Winter, 2013 with on vinyl with deluxe packaging and bonus's to boot. Well, more like pray for it. Because the problem that seems to plague bands as great as DOWNSPELL and other bands all of the world are getting dissolved like an infant with Sars. The bands that didn't find a stable home before the new millenniums mass murder of the independent label. The "strafing run" by what we thought was the unsigned bands "saving grace".


The 6 members of DOWNSPELL even managed to take top honors at The 2011 San Diego Music Awards and win "Best Hard Rock or Metal Album" ahead of radio friendly bands like POD and Sprung Monkey with the pre release copy of "The Violent Majority". Now that's a feat that over a hundred plus bands (with more mainstream and commercial appeal than DOWNSPELL, guaranteed) dream of achieving and probably think that would be a "sure thing" as far as breaking through to the other side of the record industry. The other side where you get "paid" and sent on tours with bands you don't even know…


Release date Release name Media
0 "The Violent Majority" Ft. Kevin Sharp, Dan Lilker of Brutal Truth and Travis Ryan of Cattle Decapitation
0 "7 Dead, 6 Wounded…" Ft. Randy Blythe from Lamb of God and Bobby Ferry of -16-
0 "Afterbirth"